Thursday, May 14, 2009

How to Safely Lose Weight with a Water Fast

A water fast should only be done for 1-3 days. Any longer than that, and you will slow your metabolism (which most likely is not something you want) as well as possibly cause other physical ailments. If you want to do a fast for longer than a few days, you should consider doing a juice fast instead.

Step 1

When doing a water fast, you should drink more than your standard 8 glasses of water. This is because food has water in it, and since you're not eating you want to make up the difference. Try to drink about 12-14 glasses of water throughout the days you're fasting. Be sure to spread out the water throughout the day, rather than just drinking it all in large spurts.

Step 2

When breaking the water fast you need to do it cautiously. On the first day try to stick to juices, soups, and soft fruits and vegetables. On the second day you should start eating dairy again, and have some nuts or grains. On the third day you should introduce seafood and chicken or turkey back into your diet. On the fourth day feel free to eat your normal amounts of sugar, processed carbs, and red meats.


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