Thursday, June 4, 2009

Losing weight at pregnancy

By now, chances are you're pretty much used to riding the weight gain elevator. (Going up? And up? And up?) So used to it, that you probably don't even blink — or recoil in horror — as your practitioner's scale tallies up your most recent gain (and the nurse announces it loudly to anyone passing through the hallway before recording it in your chart).

Which may make this week's weigh-in a little surprising, and perhaps a little unsettling — particularly if you're not prepared for it. Because if you're like most women who've reached the end of pregnancy, you've also reached the end of pregnancy weight gain. Instead of "going up" as per usual, the numbers on the scale at 41 weeks pregnant may not be going anywhere — or may even be "going down," tracking a weight loss during this pregnancy home stretch.

You may be at a loss to explain your loss (or lack of gain) by looking in the mirror (that is, if you're still looking in those). After all, your legs and ankles are still plenty puffy, your belly is the size of a prize-winning watermelon, and there's no way you can squeeze into your old shoes, never mind your wedding band.So what triggers this typical late pregnancy trend? Baby's certainly not to blame (and, don't worry — hasn't gotten those tiny hands on a copy of South Beach yet). In fact, he or she is likely packing on pounds even if you're not (and even if you're dropping them).

This normal weight-gain slow down or standstill is actually one way that your body gets ready for labor — a sign that all systems are gearing up for the big event (and for the much bigger weight loss of childbirth). Here's what may account for this late pregnancy "down scale":

  • Toward the end of pregnancy, the level of amniotic fluid starts to decrease — even before your water officially "breaks." Less amniotic fluid means less water weight, literally.
  • The increased urge that you're feeling (all the time) to urinate now that your baby's head is pressing down on your bladder means that you're flushing out fluids faster than ever before. Less water in your body — less weight in your body.
  • On the toilet a lot lately — and not just to pee? Loose bowels as labor approaches can free you of some ounces — or even pounds.
  • Sweating like a pig — or just a full term pregnant mom-to-be? Now that the end (of pregnancy) is near, your body is busily ridding itself of fluid it won't be needing once its baby-making factory shuts down. The more you sweat, the more weight you lose. (And expect the sweat to pick up even more after delivery. The first postpartum week, especially, will be a very damp one — as your body steps up the sweat production to flush out the pounds of fluids that have accumulated over the last nine months.)
  • Even in your beached whale state, you might actually be burning more calories than ever if your nesting instinct has kicked into high gear. (Did you really clean four closets in three days?)

But while your gaining days may be over (at least as far as this pregnancy is concerned), don't forget that you're still providing 24-hour catering to your ever-growing baby. So keep that steady supply of nutrients coming (especially those vital brain-building ones, like DHA and protein) right up until delivery day. As tempting as it might be to start cutting back on food intake (either because you'd like to jump-start your postpartum weight gain or because you're just plain out of tummy room), don't. Continue sticking to The Pregnancy Diet (just another week to go!), and keep the fluids flowing (even though you're tired of them flowing out; see Drinking for Two). Just remember: Right around the corner is your baby — and with his or her arrival, your biggest one-day weight-loss total ever!.


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